Szupermarketes "szoktatóborai" (Dorombor) mellett egy sor remek aszút is kóstolhatunk náluk (szép nemzetközi sikerekkel: Wine Spectator Top 100; Qatar Airways beszállítói lettek stb.). Ma leginkább egy komoly pezsgőüzem köti le a Henye-dűlőben, mely szép lassan vitorlát bont. Izgalmas lesz nyomon követni, háttértudásukkal mit tudnak kihozni Hegyalján a pezsgőből. Dűlőösszetételük igen változatos, így számos termőhelytípust be tudnak mutatni.


Beside their catchy supermarket entry level wines (Dorombor), we can also taste some amazing aszú wines of theirs that have had international success. They’ve made the Wine Spectator Top 100 and have also become a supplier for Qatar Airways, etc. Their attention is directed towards serious sparkling winemaking in the Henye vineyard, which is slowly setting sail. It is going to be exciting to witness what they will be able to achieve with their sparkling wine know-how in Tokaj-Hegyalja. Their vineyard composition is greatly diverse, so they can display several terroir types.